Results for 'Ch A. Corr'

968 found
  1. Etudes et documents photographiques sur Wolff. In: Christian Wolff: Gesammelte Werke, Materialien und Dokumente.Jean École, H. W. Arndt, Ch A. Corr, J. E. Hofmann & M. Thomann - 1989 - Studia Leibnitiana 21 (2):214-215.
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  2. Hyŏndae ideollogi ŭi chemunje.Yŏn-ho Yi & In-sŏk Chʻa (eds.) - 1978
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  3. L'illumination de l'intelligence. Un trait de l'expérience mystique ignatienne.Ch A. Bernard - 1991 - Gregorianum 72 (2):223-246.
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    Vorwort.Ch A. Brandis - 1862 - In Christian August Brandis, Geschichte der Entwickelungen der Griechischen Philosophie Und Ihrer Nachwirkungen Im Römischen Reiche, 2. Hälfte, Geschichte der Entwickelungen der Griechischen Philosophie Und Ihrer Nachwirkungen Im Römischen Reiche 2. Hälfte. De Gruyter.
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  5. X Ŭi Chonjaeron E Taehan Illyuhakchŏk Koch'al.Ch'A. Ŭn-jŏng - 2021 - In Se-man Ch'oe & Sang-wŏn Kim, X ŭi chonjaeron ŭl toemutta. Kyŏnggi-do Koyang-si: Sawŏl ŭi Ch'aek.
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  6. Baby talk as a simplified register Snow, CE FergusonC. A.Ch A. Ferguson - 1977 - In Catherine E. Snow & Charles A. Ferguson, Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition. Cambridge University Press. pp. 209--235.
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  7. La doctrine mystique de Denys l'Aréopagite.Ch A. Bernard - 1987 - Gregorianum 68 (3-4):523-566.
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    Ch'ŏngnyŏn Tasan chŏlmang ŭl kyŏngyŏng hada: 19-pŏn kwagŏ nakpangsaeng esŏ Chosŏn ch'ŏnjae ro.Pyŏk Ch'A. - 2014 - Kyŏnggi-do Yangp'yŏng-gun: Hŭigo Hŭigo.
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    "Kwahak ch'ŏrhak" pip'an.Yong-hyŏn Ch'A. - 2010 - [P'yŏngyang]: Sahoe Kwahak Ch'ulp'ansa.
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  10. Sahoe ŭi chʻŏrhak: hyŏksin chayujuŭi wa sahoejuŭi.In-sŏk Chʻa - 1991 - Sŏul-si: Minŭmsa.
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  11. Hyŏndae sasang ŭl chʻajasŏ.In-sŏk Chʻa - 1976
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    Kŭndaesŏng kwa chaa ŭisik: chŏnhwan'gi sahoe wa ch'ŏrhak.In-sŏk Ch'A. - 2016 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ak'anet.
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  13. Palgabŏkkyŏjin in'gan Tasan: Tasan Chŏng Yag-yong, sam kwa hŭnjŏk ŭl ch'annŭn 10-yŏn yŏhaeng.Pyŏk Ch'A. - 2018 - Kyŏnggi-do Yangp'yŏng-gun: Ch'akhan Ch'aek Hŭigo Hŭigo.
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    Tasan ŭi hubansaeng: Tasan Chŏng Yag-yong, yubae wa nonyŏn ŭi chach'wi rŭl ch'ajasŏ.Pyŏk Ch'A. - 2010 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Tolbegae.
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    Tasan i sam esŏ kkaedarŭn kŏttŭl: Tasan Chŏng Yag-yong ŭi kkaedarŭm ŭl ch'aja ttŏnan kin yŏhaeng.Pyŏk Ch'A. - 2021 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Chongi wa Namu.
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  16. Choguk ŭl wihayŏ.Chae-ik Chʻa - 1989 - Sŏul: Koryŏwŏn.
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  17. H. Bavinck ŭi sinhak ŭi pangbŏp kwa wŏlli (sinhak sŏron).Yŏng-bae Chʻa - 1983 - Seoul, Korea: Parhaengchʻŏ Chʻongsin Taehak Chʻulpʻanbu.
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    Hanʼguk sahoe wa simin yulli.Tong-Gwan Chʻa - 2000 - Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Chŏngnimsa. Edited by Kuk-hyŏn Kim.
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  19. Hyŏndae ŭi yŏksa sasang.Ha-sun Chʻa - 1994 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Tʻamgudang.
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  20. Kong Puja sŏngjŏkto sŏnghak yŏnwŏllok.Kyu-bŏm Ch'A. (ed.) - 1924 - Kyŏngsŏng-bu: Ch'a Kyu-bŏm.
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    Kŭllobŏl sidae Chŏng Yag-yong segyegwan ŭi kanŭngsŏng kwa hanʼgye: Chu Hŭi e taehan pipʻan ŭl chungsim ŭro.sŏNg-Hwan Chʻa - 2002 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Chimmundang. Edited by Yag-Yong ChŏNg.
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  22. Sŏyang kŭndae sasangsa yŏnʼgu.Ha-sun Chʻa - 1994 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Tʻamgudang.
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    Tasan Sŏnsaeng, Taehan Min'guk ŭl put'ak hae!: kwallyo Tasan, minsaeng ŭl kyŏngyŏng hada.Pyŏk Ch'A. - 2014 - Kyŏnggi-do Yangp'yŏng-gun: Hŭigo Hŭigo.
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  24. Yŏksa wa chisŏng.Ha-sun Ch'A. - 1973 - [Seoul]: T'amgudang.
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  25. Sahoe wa insik.Chong-hyŏn Pak & In-sŏk Chʻa (eds.) - 1984 - Sŏul: Minŭmsa.
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    동양 정치 사상: 한국 양명 사상 의 전개.Chʻa-gŭn Chŏng - 1996 - Sŏul: Pʻyŏngminsa.
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  27. Proudhon & le fédéralisme.Philippe Ch-A. Guillot - 2004 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 47:159-176.
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  28. Hyŏndae ŭi sahoe sasangga.Yŏng-guk Kim & In-sŏk Chʻa (eds.) - 1979
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  29. Saeroun yŏksagwan.Chʻa Ha-sun - 1974
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    Tongyang chŏngchʻi sasang: Hanʼguk Yangmyŏng sasang ŭi chŏnʼgae.Chʻa-gŭn Chŏng - 1996 - Sŏul: Pʻyŏngminsa.
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    IsolaUon and mapping of a polymorphic DNA sequence, DXS312, to Xq27—Xq28.A. Speer, A. Rosenthal, H. Billwitz, R. Hanke, S. M. Forrest, D. Love, K. E. Davies & Ch Choutelle - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 6734.
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  32. Howard K. Congdon, "The pursuit of death".Charles A. Corr - 1981 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (2):123.
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    Cérebro-ocidente / cérebro-Brasil: arte - escrita - vida - pensamento - clínica - tratos contemporâneos.Roberto Corrêa dos Santos - 2015 - [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: Circuito.
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    Christian Wolff and Leibniz.Charles A. Corr - 1975 - Journal of the History of Ideas 36 (2):241.
    A recent article in this journal describes certain mathematical and philosophical controversies which occurred in Prussia during the middle decades of the 18th century. The article pays particular attention to the position of Christian Wolff and to the views of some of his followers. Both Wolff and the Wolffians are shown to have supported some of Leibniz's doctrines against those of the Newtonian camp. As a result, or perhaps in part as a premise, there is a strong tendency throughout the (...)
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    Encouraging Self-Reflection by Veterinary Clinicians: Ethics on the Clinic Floor.Sandra A. Corr, Clare Palmer & Peter Sandøe - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (2):55-57.
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    L'hypnotisme chez Les hystériques.A. Binet & Ch Féré - 1885 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 19:1 - 25.
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    Para uma teoria da interpretação: semiologia, literatura e interdisciplinaridade.Roberto Corrêa dos Santos - 1989 - Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária.
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  38. Formação por competência : princípios, contradições e atualizações.Cláudia Zank E. Ivan Livindo de Senna Corrêa - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi, Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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  39. Toward a Theory of Coercion.Michael Corr - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):383 - 405.
    Virtually everyone agrees that there is a strong moral presumption against the use of coercion. There is, however, considerably less agreement about the nature of coercion. For example, each of the following claims has been the subject of considerable controversy: 1. coercion is an essentially normative concept whose ‘conditions of application contain an ineliminable reference to moral rightness or wrongness’; 2. it is possible to coerce someone by means of an especially enticing offer as well as by means of a (...)
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  40. Tnéologique.Ch Reynier, A. Borras, M. Neusch & P. Masset - 1996 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 118:159.
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  41. Hebe, ou, Da educação.Roberto Alvim Corrêa - 1953 - [Rio de Janeiro]: Ministério da Educação e Cultura, Serviço de Documentação.
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    Anistia e as ambivalências do cinismo: a ADPF 153 e micropolíticas da memória.Murilo Duarte Costa Corrêa - 2013 - Curitiba: Juruá Editora.
    Anistia e as Ambivalências do Cinismo- A ADPF 153 e Micropolíticas da Memória consiste em uma primeira aproximação da pesquisa dos problemas contemporâneos suscitados por um tema cujo aparente anacronismo revela progressivamente sua extemporânea atualidade- o da anistia no Brasil, suas consequências éticas e políticas na transição do Estado brasileiro, e de suas instituições à democracia. Estes estudos foram escritos na atmosfera do debate público suscitado por ocasião do julgamento da ADPF 153 - sob todos os aspectos - sua propositura, (...)
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  43. Ignjatovik, A., see Buss, SR.A. W. Apter, M. Magidor, Ch Cornaros & K. Hauser - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 74:297.
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  44. The existence of God, natural theology and Christian Wolff.Charles A. Corr - 1973 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (2):105 - 118.
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    Leituras de um realismo jurídico-penal marginal: homenagem a Alessandro Baratta.Paulo César Corrêa Borges (ed.) - 2012 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: UNESP, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, Núcleo de Estudos da Tutela Penal e Educação em Direitos Humanos.
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    Christian Wolff's treatment of scientific discovery.Charles A. Corr - 1972 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 10 (3):323-334.
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    Certitude and Utility in the Philosophy of Christian Wolff.Charles A. Corr - 1970 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 1 (1-2):133-142.
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    Did Wolff Follow Leibniz?Charles A. Corr - 1974 - In Gerhard Funke, Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 2: Sektionen 1,2. De Gruyter. pp. 11-21.
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    Decision-making experiments under a philosophical analysis: human choice as a challenge for neuroscience.Gabriel José Corrêa Mograbi & Carlos Eduardo Batista de Sousa (eds.) - 2015 - [Lausanne, Switzerland]: Frontiers Media SA.
    This introduction just aims to be a fast foreword to the special topic now turned into an e-book. The Editorial "Decision-Making Experiments under a Philosophical Analysis: Human Choice as a Challenge for Neuroscience" alongside with my opinion article "Neurophilosophical considerations on decision making: Pushing-up the frontiers without disregarding their foundations" play the real role of considering in more details the articles and the whole purpose of this e-book. What I must highlight in this foreword is that our intention with such (...)
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    La cité des dames: enquêtes sur les relations entre la psychanalyse et les féminismes.Urias Corrêa Arantes - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ces pages réunissent des efforts pour élaborer un certain nombre de questions concernant les difficiles relations entre la psychanalyse et les féminismes. Elles s'interrogent sur l'attrait qu'exercent récemment les discours apocalyptiques, ou catastrophiques, nourris par la fidélité à l'invariance structurale. Cela conduit à une analyse des rapports entre psychanalyse et féminismes, déjà au moment où les psychanalystes femmes arrivent sur la scène vers 1920, et se poursuit surtout en France et en Amérique privilégiant les années 1960/70 du siècle dernier. La (...)
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